quarta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2010

The Tesla Secret

The Tesla Secret, Nikola Tesla Technology To Harness The Massive, Untapped Reserve of Cosmic Energy Has Been Unleashed!

This is going to upset many… but it’s well worth it. After years of suppression, a leaked file from the Tesla folder has made it into a few “underground” science labs.

But instead of keeping the technology for themselves… this group of secretive scientists have created a step by step handbook that ANYONE can use to build his own Tesla Generator… and tap into an almost infinite source of power.

The result is a generator so small and versatile, there’s almost no limit to how you can use it…

  • Use it to juice up ANY electrical devices – from small clocks, to refrigerators or big screen plasma TVs
  • Power up remote cabins so high up in the mountains, you’d be crazy to even think about going solar…
  • Take it with you when you go camping – and enjoy “mobile” free energy for your caravan, or in your tent…
  • And even get entirely off the grid with a high-output generator you can build in your spare time!

Here’s How It Works:

Imagine the Sun as an immense ball of electricity… positively charged with a massive potential of over 200 BILLION volts.

About a hundred million miles away in the solar system, the Earth is charged with negative electricity – acting like a huge “sponge” that creates a virtual expressway for almost 4.5 megawatt hours of electrical energy!

Now get this: before Tesla, it was impossible to use even a small fraction of this almost infinite source. That’s because most of this energy “bounces” off the Earth’s ionosphere… and is lost forever into space. But with his device - and a few simple 21st century adjustments – you too can grab a slice of this unlimited resource that doesn’t cost any money… doesn’t pollute… and will erase your electricity bill forever!


Here’s Why You Need To Try The Tesla Generator Today:

book shape Tesla Secret Free Energy

  • It costs less than $100 to build – and you can find all the materials and spare parts at your local electronics shop
  • It’s completely weather proof – and it really makes no difference if it’s raining or if it’s too hot outside. And because you can use it during the night, you don’t need expensive batteries to store your excess electricity!
  • It’s incredibly easy to build. Sure, the technology may have been cutting edge in the 30’s… but these days, it’s definitely no rocket science. You can get materials that used to cost tens of thousands of dollars for a few bucks… and with our step by step instructions, building your own generator is as easy as assembling an IKEA chair!
  • There are no emissions, no fumes, no radiations… in fact, it’s probably just as “green” as solar or wind power systems!
  • And best of all, it generates FREE electricity day in and day out – so you can slash your bill by 30%… 60%… even 100%!
